Soma Flow

Understanding the Three Levels of Consciousness

Tabitha MacDonald Episode 40

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Ready to unlock the secrets of your mind and transform your life? Discover how understanding the three levels of consciousness—the self-conscious, unconscious, and superconscious—can revolutionize your intuition and manifestation abilities. Join me, Tabitha MacDonald, as I unravel common misconceptions about intuition and highlight its true potential in accessing the boundless possibilities of the quantum field. 

Struggling with fear and control? Learn how to harness your self-conscious mind to shift from a state of restriction to superconscious awareness, paving the way for effective manifestation. I'll share a personal anecdote that illustrates how letting go can lead to unexpected yet fulfilling outcomes. Plus, we'll explore tools like the Enneagram for identifying your innate genius and overcoming self-imposed limitations. Tune in and start transforming your life today by aligning with your intuition and creating a future you genuinely love.

About Tabitha
Tabitha MacDonald is an Intuitive Coach and Healer committed to helping people overcome their pain as fast as possible so that they can have the love, success, freedom and fulfillment they truly desire.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome. My name is Tabitha McDonald. I am an intuitive and a transformation coach and a healer. I'm very grateful that you are joining me today. I'm going to talk about the three levels of consciousness and how they impact your manifestations and also your intuition. So the first thing I want to address is what intuition is and what intuition is not.

Speaker 1:

I think people think of intuition as like fortune telling, and sometimes it can have bad connotations to it, depending on your experience with it. What I will say, and how I see it, is that in the quantum field, there's an infinite amount of options. Think about like a choose your own adventure book and we, depending on who's doing your intuitive reading, they can pull into the field, I mean from so many different places about the information that you need to know moving forward. We don't always know if that person who's doing the reading is filtering it through their bias or you know what the choice is in the reading. So one of the things and why our consciousness and our three levels of consciousness is so important when it comes to intuition is to be truly precise with intuitive readings. We have to know the intention, and intention is about choice. What do you want to get information on specifically, and so I just want to say that that's one of the things that I think is misunderstood about intuition, and hopefully understanding the three levels of consciousness is going to help you understand how that impacts intuitive readings, and then also how to start getting intuitive readings for yourself, because that's where fun that's where it's really fun is also how to start getting intuitive readings for yourself, because that's where fun that's where it's really fun is when you can start getting this information for yourself and start taking aligned action. Life feels a lot more magical in that plane. So there are many fields of information that are important.

Speaker 1:

However, when it comes to understanding who we are, there are three classifications of energy that help to make sense of it. They are your self-conscious, is our ego, and that defines itself through thoughts, an identity, a body, a name, and has a lifetime. Its goal is to live the best life possible. Now, remember, this is where a lot of our definitions of what is possible are kept. The unconscious or subconscious mind defines itself through feelings, creates programs and runs the body through automation. Its goal is to keep the system going and desires to continue what has been working, no matter how painful to the self-conscious. So the unconscious holds all of our memories and the self-conscious is the part of us that takes action.

Speaker 1:

Now, when we're looking at the pain and pleasure, the unconscious mind doesn't necessarily care what kind of experience the self-conscious has. It just knows that it can survive a certain way. So if the unconscious knows how to survive in an environment where there's lots of pain, it will send whispers and instructions to the self-conscious to create painful experiences. And so the self-conscious will set out to create something amazing, like you know, maybe a healthy, fit body. And then the unconscious mind will say oof, last time we had a healthy body, we dated that guy and that didn't turn out so well. Hurry up, code up Anytime you try to get a healthy body back. See, eat the Cheetos instead Because the unconscious decided that falling in love was attached to being fit and that causes pain, and so it's less painful to have a larger size body and not have heartbreak than it is to have a smaller size body.

Speaker 1:

And oh my gosh, god forbid, maybe you might want to start dating and, you know, having some sexy time again. So that's just one example of how maybe the unconscious mind is directing the self-conscious mind so you can say really want this thing, and then it feels like you just can't take action or you're always creating self-sabotage patterns and it doesn't make any sense to you. This is where we've got some like really severe disagreements between pain and pleasure, because there's an association that the thing you want will create more pain for you, and so really everybody's just trying to give you the least amount of pain possible. The problem is the programming's outdated and that is where our superconscious comes in, because the superconscious defines itself as a code of information. It has unlimited knowledge and cannot think or feel. Its goal is to be involved in the creation. So think about things that you've created, intentionally or unintentionally, and like just think about something maybe that you've changed in your life and you're like oh wow, I don't do that anymore. That's amazing. That is the power of a directed mind, and at some point there was some rewiring of your unconscious beliefs that happened in order for you to have the thing that you wanted.

Speaker 1:

So let's talk about the superconscious mind. This mind is our infinite higher dimensional awareness. Okay, that both holds and is the origin of all creation, the cozen energies for all things, ideas and realities that have ever existed or will ever exist. It is completely spiritual in nature and has no material aspect. It speaks as intuition via the direct voice of the higher mind. It exists beyond space and time and it governs the beginning and the end of the intuitive process. The superconscious mind is the intelligence within us that creates and supports every function of our body. It knows precisely what to do to heal a cut, grow a hair, create a baby or cure a disease. This is the all-knowing aspect of our intelligence that is able to identify what is true and what is false, enabling us to intuitively discern what is truly in our best interests and to direct ourselves to an evolutionary outcome. It sees higher possibilities and solutions that are not based in our previously learned knowledge or current experience. So let's talk about that, because I want to give you an example of how that has played out in my life.

Speaker 1:

I went to Tony Robbins the first time in November of 2022. And we did a firewalk and the first time I went and we did the firework, we got into state and I did all of the things and I was with a friend of mine and I remember we were talking about how cool it would be to get videos of us doing the firewalk and when we were setting the intentions, I had an unconscious programming that said other people's needs were more important than my own. And so when I walked across the fire, I was stressed out and nervous. Well, one, I was about to walk on fire and two, because I wanted to make sure I got across so that I could take a photo and a video of her coming across. This is not her fault, this is my unconscious programming. And that first time I burned my feet walking across the coals Next year I decided that my needs and my experience was the most important thing.

Speaker 1:

And when we went into meditation before the fire walk, I literally called in my healing guides and I said can you put a protective coating around my feet to make sure that when I walk across the coals they stay cool and safe? And I just felt this beautiful energy wrap around my feet and I just knew they were going to be safe. I just I knew it. And when we walked across that time and we got into state, we did the same thing as the time before. There was no part of me that was interested in making sure I got a video. I wanted to be fully present in the experience for myself to enjoy the process of stepping on hot coals and having my feet come out perfectly fine on the other side. And that's exactly what happened.

Speaker 1:

And the lesson for me was that as long as I was operating from this unconscious programming that other people's needs were more important than my own, I would always get burned. And that was like I don't think you can buy lessons like that. Well, you can. I mean, I paid to go to the conference, but like, talk about mind blown. And then I really started unpacking. Where in your life are you prioritizing everybody else's needs over your own, or other people's dreams, or other people's definitions of what life should be? And wow, it was a lot of unpacking and reprogramming Because it was intense.

Speaker 1:

I was, you know, I had a history of codependency. I went to like Al-Anon. It was ingrained in my structure of love to put other people's needs above my own, and so, with the power of like super conscious, I was able to rewire those patterns in my unconscious mind. And it doesn't take years in therapy. The super conscious can go in and recode all of that outdated coding with a few simple instructions that we use in the recode process. It's really amazing how fast transformation can happen, and I think like part of my challenge with change was that I didn't want to go to therapy and talk about my problems for the next 20 years, especially when I had a lot of trauma memories come up that I had to work through and I didn't have the emotional skill set to deal with it.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm not bagging on therapy. What I'm saying is, in my experience, people I had seen for treatment really couldn't get past my firewall, and so it wasn't until I started working with an intuitive coach who could see past my firewall and then set me up in a creative structure where I really found change happen quickly, because it didn't rely on me sharing information quickly, because it didn't rely on me sharing information. We just treated the information, the emotional blueprint that was keeping me stuck where it was at, without needing to pull it up into my active experience, because that was like just something I really resisted doing. It's an amazing experience. Actually, I'm not going to lie, I can, I can't. No, it's amazing like I don't really talk about how amazing.

Speaker 1:

It is, enough it's. It's amazing like the transformations and the information I get from people about how they feel after a session and how free they feel and how much lighter they feel. I mean, that's priceless in and of itself. And I just have to say and I'm just interjecting here that there's no greater gift, I think, than being able to sit with someone in their pain and help guide them to the other side of it and for them to see their greatness and to witness it. I mean, really it's to witness it, like when you're sitting there and you see it click and you see them remember how amazing they are. And you know, as a coach, we're basically just a guide who are reflecting back to you who you're capable of being and then holding you accountable to getting there. And I love that experience so much and I it was funny as I was just talking I was like I don't think I actually say that enough how much I love it. There's nothing more rewarding to me than that experience and of also being able to sit with someone and their dysfunction and their pain and hold them in also their highest light and hold compassion for their pain at the same time, like that. That is is truly a gift to give someone else, to be able to hold them in their victim and genius at the same time and also not feel obligated to change it, to just be able to hold space and let them make the changes or decide which changes that they want. So I think a lot of the time we feel forced into change. Anyways, that's a whole nother topic.

Speaker 1:

Let's talk more about the self-conscious mind. Now that we've talked about the super conscious mind, the self-conscious mind is the second facet of the mind and the conscious, or thinking, mind. So this is the part of the mind that controls our ideas, attitudes and behaviors. So think, insert Enneagram. This is the self-conscious mind. This is why understanding your Enneagram type is so important when we're talking about manifesting and when we're talking about creating and we're talking about mindset, because it is basically a manual to this part of your brain. And this is like our behaviors, this is how we see the world, this is very much our humanness, and this part of the brain has the power to deliberately select a destiny. It is material in nature and communicates through the language of the five senses. The brain is viewed as its energetic source. Its creative superpowers are intention and empowered choice. It directs its will through the voice of either the higher mind or the lower mind, depending on an individual's level of consciousness at the moment wrecks its will through the voice of either the higher mind or the lower mind, depending on an individual's level of consciousness at the moment. It governs the second step in the intuitive process.

Speaker 1:

So think about a time when you were afraid, and fear gave you that tunnel vision, that inability to see any other options. All you could see was one path forward. That's acting from your lower mind. When you're in that super conscious field, you let go of the need to know the answer, you let go of how it has to happen and you step into the what, the feeling of it.

Speaker 1:

So I remember one time I really wanted my garage cleaned and I just stepped into the feeling of oh my gosh, it would be so amazing to have it organized. And then my fear brain said how are you going to do that? You don't have time, you're not good at organizing. That's such a big project. Oh my God, it's going to take us forever, you're going to hurt your back. And all I said was tunnel vision of you're the one who has to do it. And then I stepped back into wow, wouldn't it just be great if it was done? And I came home that day and, for whatever reason I don't even remember.

Speaker 1:

This was a few years ago. My ex-husband called my daughter and said wouldn't it be nice to give your mom a present and reorganize and clean her garage for her? And I came home to a completely clean garage that night because I let go of the needing to control it and how it needed to be done, and I just stepped into the emotion and the universe said great, thank you for giving us creative expression. We're going to go ahead and take care of that for you, and it's definitely not going to be how you thought it was going to happen. And so this is kind of the trick with manifesting is that if we're in control and we have a need to control and we always need to know how it's going to be done then we remove the magic. However, the self-conscious mind needs to be on board, because that's the part of the brain that's going to fuel it with passion, desire, creativity, with ambition, whatever your creative superpower or your genius is. And this is where the Enneagram comes into play, because it's going to tell you what your genius is, and that's your natural resting place. That's your own creative genius. So, as a seven, my genius is joy and play.

Speaker 1:

My true genius is being able to now hold space for love and pain at the same time, and that came through doing my own shadow work and being able to sit with my own pain, hear what it has to say and then transform it to love. And so now I say to people I just speak pain, I get it like I can actually speak to your pain, like, as I'm like working on you, I hear your pain talking to me and I'm following what it's trying to communicate. I would say that's my intuitive genius is to be able to speak love and pain at the same time. And so you all have intuitive genius and your self-conscious mind has the key to what it is. But the thing is is that when we start diving into our personality types, a lot of people will feel this huge sense of rejection, like they don't like what they read and it's like but there's, they're all. They're all perfect and beautiful exactly as they are. And if you don't like what you're reading, then you want to go and do the inner work and go. Okay, what is it that I'm afraid to look at? Because my self conscious mind, my ego, is my biggest ally in my manifestations. Because if I don't get my ego on board, then it's always going to block the creation because it's not going to take the action to bring my dream into reality. And so think about the self-conscious mind as this part of the brain that has the power to choose or intend. This is like powerful. This is where our choices come from.

Speaker 1:

I was just sharing this with my class tonight. When I was talking about, I wrote down I want a highly profitable business. And I was like, oh, I can get there immediately. And then I said I choose a highly profitable business. And all my resistance came up because as soon as I chose it, that meant I had to take action, which meant I had to sit down and start looking at what areas of my business are not profitable and how do I turn that piece around. And it was just something that I was afraid to look at because I didn't want to give up on my dream. And the thing is, it's not me giving up on my dream, it's me taking a realistic look so that I can make adjustments to turn it into a higher profit business just part of being a business person. But, like as someone who likes living in the magic, I don't always like looking at that kind of linear stuff. But it's also an important part of manifestation, because if I say I want a highly profitable business but I'm not willing to look at the profits, the pain, right, then how am I supposed to align with a highly profitable business? This is really powerful to be able to witness where we get in our own way, and the Enneagram is just this beautiful guide, helping give you, like this wonderful manual for the most common behaviors to look out for, to find out how you are getting in your own way out. How you are getting in your own way.

Speaker 1:

Choice, as a function of mindful will and focus, isolates a single specific possibility out of the wide field of all possibility and begins to stabilize it. So, empowered choice, begins the process of isolating a frequency or of potential and cuts it from the herd, so to speak, to begin the process of bringing it into being. So I have a very creative mind, which means I get like 80 business ideas every 10 seconds. And why is that a problem? Because I don't bring any of them into the world. I have an idea book that's like massive, and it's just because I see solutions everywhere and I was so resistant to making a choice because I felt like it was constricting, I felt like it was going to suffocate me.

Speaker 1:

And my business coach has been telling me you have to pick one plan, that you want to learn how to market and sell and grow. And I was like, no, I want to do them all. So I just kept doing everything and not being a good student until I finally had to sit with the pain of my actions and go, wow, why would I do this to myself? And it was all self-sabotage, fear of success, family patterns like I talked about on another episode, and I'm like, oh, of course I'm just replaying old family patterns of not actually being allowed to have the things that you want. And so did some recode on it and some clearing. And then I decided on one path forward. And as soon as I did that, there's only one next obvious step to take and then one after that.

Speaker 1:

And so choice is this way of looking up at the. Have you ever been to the Cheesecake Factory and you've been to the menu? It looks like a novel from like 1920s. It's massive, it looks like a novel and it's almost like you're overwhelmed with choice. Think about the field around you with that many choices and options. All you have to do is pick one that your heart feels aligned to that you really want, and then anchor your, your conscious mind, your self conscious mind, on that choice and so like, if you are a seven, for instance, and you value fun and freedom probably not going to want to pick the choice where you're sitting in a basement, you know, crunching numbers all day and not talking to anybody, that's probably not going to be fun for you.

Speaker 1:

But now, if you are somebody who just loves numbers and logic and reason and you could be in that space all day long, then focusing in on that choice would feel really good for you. And so you know, if you're a type eight, who doesn't like to be controlled, probably going to want to look for a leadership position so that you're the boss position, so that you're the boss. And if you're, you know, maybe a type six who values loyalty and having authority, probably not going to want to be an entrepreneur. You might want to focus on finding a really great team to work with and for. So that's how you're going to use your self-conscious mind as your greatest ally, because if you challenge its orientation too much, it's just going to create self-sabotage. Now this is all reprogrammable as well. But you know why, make it harder on yourself. Go with your natural orientation and be okay with just who you are where you're at right now. Maybe down the line, as you grow and you evolve, you're probably gonna be able to shift your unconscious mind or your I'm sorry, your self-conscious mind to get more in alignment with maybe something bigger that feels more exciting to you. But you've gotta get that self-conscious buy-in and that's probably one of the most important parts of manifesting is making sure that your ego feels heard and seen in the process.

Speaker 1:

Now the last piece of this is the unconscious mind and that is involved in the intuitive process. It is the part of you that holds every single memory of your lifetime. It is emotional by nature and the heart is viewed as its energetic source. It is the third step in the intuitive process. So the unconscious mind is a massive storage unit of information and it represents 95% of our programming when we live life.

Speaker 1:

Unconsciously. This is the mind in charge of our attitude, action and behavior. Its actions are automatic and based in past experience. It cannot discern what is good or bad, positive or negative, life-affirming or life-negating. While it has memory, it doesn't have the ability to consciously claim I choose to heal, I choose to be wealthy, I choose to be loved and to be loving. It simply does not possess that level of power. All it knows how to do is to create what it knows, and so most of this unconscious programming was put into place before you were eight years old, and anything that goes against it will feel like resistance.

Speaker 1:

However, the unconscious mind does possess the power to come up with decidedly unique and innovated ways to fashion and compulsively generate outcomes or produce realities based on the information that has been entered into it over its lifetime. If it has been fed with a life affirming information, the results will reflect those affirmations. If it has been fed with depleted and diminishing information, the results will reflect that information instead. So that is where we're really looking at how we can use our super conscious mind to reprogram the unconscious mind and then get self-conscious buy-in to align and take action with the things we want to create.

Speaker 1:

Hopefully that was helpful to you to understand the three levels of consciousness and how they all affect our manifestations, how they all affect intuition and also how they affect how we show up in the world and how to create what we want and what we love. I just want to remind you that if you're struggling and you have a lot of pain right now, the fastest way to heal is to focus on a life that you love. And as you focus on creating a life that you love, the old past, the old trauma, the old hurts, they don't survive there. So, step one if you're really struggling with manifesting, with intuition, with knowing your purpose, step one focus on what kind of life you would love and if you don't know yet, say, if I was allowed to know, what could a life I love look like? I hope you have a great day. Thank you for tuning in.

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