Soma Flow

Everyone is Intuitive

Tabitha MacDonald Episode 32

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When the universe whispers, do you listen? Join me, Tabitha MacDonald, as we navigate the enigmatic terrain of intuition, where I unveil the role it's played in steering me through life's tumultuous seas. From the heartache of a divorce to the leap of faith into a new career, I've felt the guiding hand of that inner voice. It's not about foreseeing the future but about synchronizing with our authentic path. I take you behind the scenes of my massage business and coaching practice to show how a deep trust in our gut instincts can yield astonishing results. 

About Tabitha
Tabitha MacDonald is an Intuitive Coach and Healer committed to helping people overcome their pain as fast as possible so that they can have the love, success, freedom and fulfillment they truly desire.

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Speaker 1:

Today I want to talk about one of my favorite subjects, and it is intuition. In fact, I chose not to even write out a script because I'm going to intuitively speak to all of you and just tap in and really connect with what you need to hear about this. I did not know I was intuitive until I did, and I never really understood what intuition was or how it played a role in my life until I started really feeling. And once I started learning how to feel, my intuition started getting stronger, because our intuition really speaks to us through our visions, the way that we see things, how we feel and other things, but I would say primarily, it speaks to us through our feelings. How it comes through is predominantly different for everyone, but we are all intuitive. It's just how trained you are at listening to it and how trained you are at following through with the guidance that you receive. So I'll give you an example when I was building my massage business, I was going through divorce and it was probably just the worst time of my life. I never wanted to get a divorce. I genuinely loved my husband. I just couldn't put my kids and I in the environment where you know, with a active alcoholic who was very dangerous in his behavior anymore. And so I knew that I needed to earn a really good income so that I could support my kids without any help from him, because it just didn't have the reliability there. And I knew that I wanted flexibility with my schedule and I knew that I also wanted to help other people. Like I put a lot of it in the container of service to others. And as I was leaving him, I remember I was visiting my dad for the weekend while he moved out and I had the kids with me. I was really struggling. I was really struggling between opening my own clinic and my own business back in Portland. I was really struggling between opening my own clinic and my own business back in Portland, oregon, or just forgetting it, leaving it behind and going back to like a office job up by my dad's house in Bellingham and moving up there. And I remember feeling really caught in the moment because I had just returned to the wellness industry after having taken a break for the birth of my kids you know it was older now. I just completed massage school and here I was ready to launch again.

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And I was faced with the same decision because the last time I started a business in the wellness industry, I got pregnant, and so I just didn't have the capacity to really make it work, and so I went back to what I always knew, which was corporate. So I was faced with the same challenge yet again, and I was standing on this lake by my dad's house and I was looking at the water. It was really beautiful, and I remember I was just threw my hands in the air and I said universe, I give up, I don't know what to do. I need your help. What do I do? And I had two choice points Do I return to Portland and open up this clinic, or do I stay in Washington and move the kids up here and go back to doing what I used to do?

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And within a minute and I'm not kidding on the timing here my phone rang and it was my very first massage client and she said hi, I got your name from this acupuncturist. He said you were a great massage therapist and I'd like to book an appointment. And my mouth was kind of dropping as I was trying to answer her because I won. I didn't know. I didn't know the universe could speak that quickly when you asked a question and I also didn't expect it. So I didn't have any like scheduling, so I didn't have anything set up, like I really wasn't ready, and I thought, okay, well, here we go and I said, yes, I'll see you on Tuesday and I'll figure it out by then, right, so we set up a time.

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I got two other phone calls that same day. One was from a good friend of mine and he said hey, I just, you know, I was thinking about you. This person in Beaverton has a massage job and I just thought you would be a good fit. And I don't remember the third sign. But it was somebody else who called, said something about massage and body work, and I was like, okay, loud and clear, I hear you, this is the path I'm supposed to take. That is intuition, because it's like I really don't know the answer. I need help. I'm going to surrender and I have these two choice points. That's like one of the tools that we use in intuition is setting two choice points and going both are fine options, but which one's going to lead me on the better path of what I really want? Intuition can tell you where to be, in the right place at the right time.

Speaker 1:

Another example of that is, lately I've been really building my coaching business and I'm not like a big online marketing person. I don't enjoy it and I probably need to hire somebody to do it for me. I haven't given in on my ability to learn things yet. I'm kind of stubborn. I'm the social seven. I think stubbornness is my middle name, but not where it matters. But like I'm like I really like learning new things. I don't like not knowing how to do something. So I have really been struggling with the online marketing piece and I thought you know, I'm just going to start building it my way, and how I built my massage clinic, which was one intuitive thing after another, like sometimes when I was building Soma.

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Just to go back to that for a minute, I would just have this feeling and this knowing like oh, if I run a Groupon, I'll make it work. Like I'll keep the clients, and people would say that's the worst way to build a business. You're always going to fail. Like those people don't want to buy real massages. 10 years later, I still have clients from Groupon and I just went into the intention of if I treat them like they're a full price client and if I love them the same way I would anyone else, and I do what I do. Well, they'll stay with me. And I had unbelievably high retention rates on Groupon. When other business owners would be like you have a, what retention rate? I would say yeah, because they treat them like they're special, just like they should be, because they're human beings, it doesn't matter how they landed up on my table. And so I had that philosophy and it was interesting because we built Soma fast, like it was a really very fast building massage clinic, and a lot of people told me I would fail at it.

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I just kept listening to my intuition. I would say, like, go to this networking event. And so I would go to that networking event and I would talk to one person and that was the one person I was meant to meet. And they became a really good client and also a really good referral partner. One of the things that I did was I sold a gift certificate oh my gosh to Sally for $35. The gift certificate oh my gosh to Sally for $35. And she gave it to her friend, angie, who built half of my business for me. Word of mouth marketing, I mean it's just beyond helpful. And so her sending in one person sending a whole bunch of people and I still have people coming off from that one referral partner. That's what we call flow, like when you're in flow with your purpose and you're listening to your intuition, even though it doesn't make any logical sense. And like with my new business.

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I'm doing a lot of the same thing, where I'm going to events, and I'm like I'm really not sure why I'm supposed to be here at like 10 or 2 am and I showed up late, which I never show up late. I just happened to walk in with the person. I'm supposed to be here at like 10.02am and I showed up late, which I never show up late. I just happened to walk in with the person I was supposed to meet at that meeting. It wasn't that I was supposed to be there at the meeting. I was supposed to meet that one person, and if I hadn't left at the exact time that I did, I probably wouldn't have sat next to them and had the interesting conversation that we were meant to have. And so most of us have these intuitive hits. Our ego will disregard them.

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I was sitting at coffee with this woman that I met a couple of weeks ago and she invited me to talk to a group of her real estate friends and when I got in there I just thought we were all chatting. I didn't understand exactly the role I was there to play and I'm just really super open-minded and when my intuition says yes, I go and we're talking and we're just having a great conversation about Enneagram and being a mother and a business owner and relationships. One of them finally looked at me and she said I am not going to lie. I like when I heard she invited a life coach, I was like, oh great, not another life coach. But you're like, not like a life coach. And I'm like, no, I'm not a life coach, I'm an intuitive coach and that's different. And I explained it to her.

Speaker 1:

Like you have your ego right and your ego acts like a firewall and your firewall prevents you from knowing certain things. So with intuition, we can get past the firewall and get information from your higher self to your conscious mind with more ease. Now, with practice, you can do this for yourself. This is one of the things that I teach my students. But we also do intuitive readings for each other and it's not like we're going and pulling information from the occult or the dark side or anything like that. We don't mess around with that kind of stuff. It's basically connecting your higher self to your conscious self.

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And so when I go into the field and I ask someone a specific question, so we'll say, okay, well, what I really want is to create a body that I love, and I'll say great. And so I'll ask you know what's it like now? Where's your frustration? And then you know, with permission I never do this unless I have permission I'll tap into their higher self and then their higher self basically gives my higher self information and then I pull it down and give it to the person. Sometimes, you know, I'm like what you want me to say? Well, I don't want to say that, but it's what the person needs to hear. So I don't filter it, I do just present it the way that it comes in, and that requires me moving my ego and my agenda out of the way. So I would say that the gift of intuition is being able to connect somebody with their higher self in a way. That's kind of like relationship counseling. Right, like the ego is like I don't trust that higher self. I want things to stay the same. Higher self is like I came here to do so much more, and so an intuitive can come in and bridge the gap between what you're allowed to know and what your conscious mind doesn't allow you to know. I love it because it's such a gift mind doesn't allow you to know. I love it because it's such a gift.

Speaker 1:

I got on a call yesterday morning on an intuition call and we had practiced a lot with other coaches and I just think it's fun. Like to me, it's just fun, it's a fun way to spend, you know, a Wednesday morning. And so I got up and my intuition said get on the call. We started doing you know reads for each other. On the call we started doing you know reads for each other and I was like, okay, what can't I see? It was really about my pattern of self abuse and it was blocking my vision at the time.

Speaker 1:

And you know I'm going to do a whole separate episode on self abuse, because what happens after we get out of a narcissistic relationship is we end up self-narcissist ourselves. And that is not a real word. Do not look it up on in the dictionary because it will not be there, but one day it will be. So I'm going to put it there. So we like basically self-narcissist ourselves, where we start taking on the role of the abuser because a part of us doesn't know how to operate in a world where that doesn't exist.

Speaker 1:

Now the challenges narcissistic abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse tends to block our intuition and so when we're in the kind of like the victimization of being abused, we don't hear our higher self because we're in that lower vibrational state of survival and fear. And when we're in the lower state of survival and fear and I know judgment, I mean I lived most of my life there unknowingly we don't always hear our higher self because we're stuck in the density of the problem. And so when we kind of step into the emotions of gratitude, love, joy, those connect us in with our intuitive guidance. You know, I want to just clarify a couple of things about what intuition is not. It's not fortune telling. So sometimes people will say, well, I was told this, this and this was going to happen on this date and this date, and you know it's very specific. I'm just saying from my perspective.

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What needs to happen is that human beings have to make decisions in alignment with potential outcome that someone sees. So the future is always changing, right, so it's always shifting and changing. So that's where being very clear about your choice, your intention and then doing the intuitive reading from there is the most powerful, because there's like just a myriad of opportunities on how your future can go, and it really is like one choice after another is what creates our future reality. And what intuition can do is hone into the future that you want to create the one that you really want, like, let's say, it's a gorgeous house on the beach and we can go into the end results of that, see it in time and then pull back the information about what's stopping you and how to get there, and so sometimes the block will be you have an addiction to longing. Your unconscious is so addicted to wanting that it can't manifest into reality because then it would have to stop wanting it.

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And I know it doesn't make a lot of logical sense, but our unconscious agenda does not always make logical sense. A lot of the rules and programmings were put there either through epigenetics or through our early childhood experiences, and so when we start unpacking them, they don't make any logical sense. And it's okay, because we can recode and reprogram them. Reprogram them using the super conscious recode. That's how, like intuition works, we can go in and say, what do you really want? Maybe it's a loving romantic partner.

Speaker 1:

And you can go in the field and, like I can see multiple opportunities for romantic partners in someone's life. And so you know, I was doing a reading yesterday and I saw two potential partners and I said each one has a different growth path for you. One is going to be more grounded and give you this experience, and the other one is going to give you more of that excitement and thrill and growth and like soul connection that you're looking for. Both are great options, like you just need to try them out and see which one you like. So that's kind of also how intuition works.

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You can connect in with the field and go where you know is my like soul person. You know there's usually many. We didn't come here with one soulmate. I could just talk about that on one full episode of probably will next, but you know it's all about the next evolution of who we are now and then how to connect with that person. And so you know, most of the time when I'm doing readings on that, I'm like, no, I know it's not, like you're not going to meet this person on this app. You'll meet them in alignment with your purpose. So you'll meet them out while you're having fun, or the way that it was read for me yesterday was when you're in a state of love and joy. You're just. This person's just going to come into your life easily because they're going to flow right with your energy. You don't even have to worry about looking for them. It's just going to manifest and happen, which is amazing, because I used to be very concerned with dating and how I was going to meet. You know the person I want to spend my life with and I think, like with that perspective, I feel free of the hunt right, the hunt, but like looking for someone, there are other ways.

Speaker 1:

Intuition works, like when I say out loud where are my keys, my eyes will go and look for them and they'll find them. I mean, there's just so many ways we can use it. We can use it with our career. We can use it with choices Like should I take I-84 or should I take I-405 to the airport, should I take the Southwest flight or should I take the Delta flight? Should I do this trip or that trip? And then sometimes we get a yes or no or not yet, the decision's not clear yet. The not yets are usually when there's another person involved that hasn't yet made their decision or commitment, and so that would change the experience that we were creating. This works in pretty much every area of your life.

Speaker 1:

So if you've, you know, had a vision of something in your mind and you were like, no, that's not possible. I couldn't create that Like I did a couple of years ago, it was right after COVID and I was trying to keep 30 pounds in COVID. I was pissed because I was like 10 pounds from my goal weight and it set me back and I was, you know, eating and drinking like everyone else during lockdown. And I did this manifesting yoga class and I was kind of open to trying new things at that point because I was very frustrated that I couldn't make changes in my life that I really wanted to. And I saw this vision of me and I was really fit and I was like I don't know who. I was walking around the wellness center but I was welcoming in this huge group of people to this beautiful retreat center that just taught mind, body, soul integration. It was just gorgeous.

Speaker 1:

I still see the picture in my mind like it was yesterday and I came out of the meditation and I was like no, I don't know what that was, that's not what I wanted. What I wanted was to lose 30 pounds to get back in my skinny jeans. I don't know what that was or why it's even related. That sent me down a very interesting path of really learning how to figure out what my higher self was trying to tell me. It took a lot of learning how to feel my feelings, which I had never learned before. That was an interesting journey. I will say that now it was worth it. At the time I thought it was a nightmare, but you know, on the flip side I feel very happy that I took the time out of my life to do that.

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When I see that vision now and I ask for other people to do intuitive readings for me, they'll show me the same vision. Other people to do intuitive readings for me, they'll show me the same vision. And it's kind of weird because I'm like gosh, how do you see the same thing in my fields that I saw and how do I bring that into reality? And that's kind of the fun part, because we just keep stepping into the thing that we want to create and the next obvious step is going to reveal itself. The thing is is it's not always going to be the most logical, like it might be. Oh, you need to start your podcast and I'm like, how is that related to this? You know beautiful wellness center and wellness company that I'm creating and it's like, don't worry about it, but it needs to be done by the state. And so that was the birth of the Mindful Love podcast.

Speaker 1:

Now that I'm honing in and getting more precise with my intuition, it's really fun to do things like go to an event where you don't know why you're there and you meet the one person you were meant to meet and then you go. Okay, that's right, my intuition doesn't always make sense to my logical brain, but it does make sense in the grand scheme of the thing that I'm creating. We can use intuition to create small things. We can use it to create big things, but really honestly, when we're looking at manifesting and I know that manifesting is a hot word right now intuition and learning to utilize your intuition with precision is the fastest way to manifest what you want in your life. But first you have to decide what it is. And it's interesting when I'm working with clients and I'll just do a whole separate episode about how to decide on what you really want.

Speaker 1:

But a lot of the times we don't know what we really want. We know what we think we're supposed to want. We know what we're told to want. We know we want to avoid pain and seek pleasure, but then at some point we want something more right. We want purpose and we want meaning and we want that to feel good. Right, we want to just feel good in our lives and in our bodies and in our work and in our families and our relationships. We want to feel good. We want to feel good in our homes. We want to feel good in the lives that we're creating. We won't want to just feel okay, we actually want to feel amazing and happy and joyful.

Speaker 1:

How do you learn more about your intuition? How do you learn more about how intuition? How do you learn more about how to use it? Well, you could join my program if you wanted. I have. Soma. Tribe is my monthly membership program.

Speaker 1:

Pretty much everything about it is to help you unlock the wounding that's keeping you blocked and then creating what you want and how to use your intuition to manifest it into the world, integrating mind, body and soul through whatever modality we need to use in order to get you there. That's one way. There's so many books oh my gosh, there's some great books and I could post them in the show notes that I just think are amazing like around the science of intuition how to like, practice and manifest with it. You know, really, it's like a muscle it has to be practiced. So we want to start practicing with small things small things so that we can start building up our muscle. It's like you can't go to the gym and lift a 500 pound weight. I probably could never do that, but you're not going to start there, right? It takes learning how to manifest small things at a time, in alignment with your higher self. So you're like building this relationship of trust and understanding as you go.

Speaker 1:

So I hope this was helpful to you and I really hope you delve into the beautiful world of intuition, because it's not what most people think. I think a lot of people think it has something to do with the occult or with dark magic, whatever. I'm sure there are people out there on the planet who work with energy. That's not clean energy but when you're really channeling and connecting with your higher self, your true self, your higher self. It is a magical experience, but, like it's not some occult thing, that is something that's available to every human being, no matter who you are. So it doesn't matter if you're in a specific religion, it doesn't matter if you follow, you know, a faith. Intuition is available to every human being on the planet and it doesn't matter if you call it being a psychic, an intuitive. Your gut feeling, your reaction, you know, it's just how, you just know things, and it's such a beautiful gift to give yourself, also a beautiful gift to give the people around you, when you can step into innocence and out of the wounding.

Speaker 1:

My name is Tabitha McDonald. I am an intuitive coach and I'm so grateful that you took the time to listen to the Mindful Love podcast today, and I look forward to hearing your feedback and comments. You can follow me on YouTube. I'll put my link in the show notes, I'll post these videos on YouTube as well, and you can also follow me on Instagram for more tips on how to do mind body integration.

Speaker 1:

Please drop me a line if you're curious about intuition, about learning how to use your intuition, or if you're interested in doing an intuitive reading and coaching session. So there's two different ways to do it. I'll do like a straight intuitive reading, where you just have a question and you want information, and then the intuitive coaching session is where we blend coaching and intuition and that's where I help lead you on the journey of mindfulness to work through whatever is blocking you to creating that thing. You can find me at mindful love dot love on the internet. I look forward to seeing some of you in the community and please, if you haven't already done so, if you wouldn't mind taking some time to like and subscribe to this podcast and also leave a review. It really helps small podcasters like mine be seen in the big sea of podcasting. I hope you have a magical day.

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