Soma Flow

Harmonizing Love and Ambition: Balancing Feminine and Masculine Energy for Romantic Fulfillment with Michelle Chung

Tabitha MacDonald Episode 27

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Discover how to navigate the complex dance of maintaining career success while kindling romantic fulfillment as Michelle Chung, a women's love coach and international bestselling author, joins us to share her insights. As a career-driven woman, have you ever feared that your ambition could eclipse your chances at love? Michelle offers a fresh perspective on this concern, emphasizing the importance of balancing masculine and feminine energies to attract committed relationships that don't dim your ambitious spark. We also delve into the societal shift from feminism to embracing femininity, offering guidance to single mothers and women who face the challenge of relinquishing control in their search for harmony and love.

You can find out more about Michelle on her web site

Love, Life & Energy Podcast:  https://lovelifeenergypodcastwithmichellechung.buzzsprout...

Instagram:  @michellechungcoach




About Tabitha
Tabitha MacDonald is an Intuitive Coach and Healer committed to helping people overcome their pain as fast as possible so that they can have the love, success, freedom and fulfillment they truly desire.

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Speaker 1:

I am so excited to have Michelle Chung on as our guest today. Michelle is an international bestselling author of how to Stop Dating and Be in an Effortless, committed Relationship. She's also the host of the podcast Love, life and Energy, and she is a women's love coach, certified life coach and trained in kinesiology and mind body medicine. She is an entrepreneur and investor with a background in industrial, design, fashion and manufacturing. I am so excited to have Michelle on the podcast today because I think her knowledge around love and relationships and creating the love that you want is just going to be a fabulous experience for us today. So welcome, michelle. I'm so grateful that you're here, all the way from Barcelona, by the way.

Speaker 2:

Yes, thank you so much. Thank you for having me, Tabitha. I'm just super excited to be here with you.

Speaker 1:

Oh great, tell us a little bit about what you do and how you change people's lives, because I think this is amazing. We need more love coaches out there.

Speaker 2:

Thank you. My first love, I guess, was business and I'm very much the entrepreneur. But then I also realized there's something that I had done in my life that really changed my life and that was to manifest my partner and I thought, ok, this is something I can actually help women specifically with, especially women who are very career focused.

Speaker 2:

Like I am very driven, very ambitious, and I was starting to see this pattern with myself and with other women out there when you're very success-focused that it can be intimidating to men sometimes and I thought, if I've done it, then I can teach other women how to do it as well.

Speaker 1:

I love that because I think a lot of women and especially when I'm working with people they hold back success because they have this fear if I'm too successful I won't find a man who will love me or the only find a man who wants to use me. And I don't know if you've seen those two patterns, but I see those two patterns a lot with women.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely. It's exactly what you said. It could be one or the other, and I think it's a big misconception that women feel like because now we have the ability to own our own money, we don't need men to be our providers, so to speak, in our relationship. We don't need them for those reasons that our mothers in their generation needed men. So we have such a freedom that now it's almost suddenly like, OK, what do I do with all this freedom? And yes, I can be successful and I want to focus on developing myself and my career and reaching my greatest potential. However, it has sometimes had the side effect of backfiring, like what we mentioned, that it can be intimidating to men and I suppose that's something to work on within each woman how much of her masculine side is overtaking and that success that we feel in our business and careers, that masculine energy. It doesn't translate well to relationships and love.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I love that you said that, because that is something that I often talk to women about. It's like it's OK to be soft and gentle and you're feminine in your relationship, but if you show up in your masculine on a date, you're going to attract someone who's in their feminine. That was my life Really, oh yeah. Yes, that's amazing, because I do think that they want that place at home to be in their feminine, to be supported and to be almost just to render a little bit of that control. So tell me more about that.

Speaker 2:

I love this? Yeah, absolutely. I guess it's come into this point where this feminist viewpoint has kind of overtaken the feminine way of being, of being open and nurturing and soft and surrender what you just said and being vulnerable, authentic, all those things that actually men are seeking in their ideal partner, that women don't realize that's actually what men are looking for. I actually had one call with a student and she was like I've got to be this high value woman so I can attract this high value man. I was like, well, what exactly do you think is a high value woman? And she said, oh, she has a really nice house, she's really rich, she wears nice clothes and she is sophisticated and she has a life together.

Speaker 2:

I said there's only one of those things that's actually true and that's that you have your stuff together, but men don't care if you're rich or wealthy. I suppose those particular types of men who do care if you're rich or wealthy and what you just said, that they'll use you. But we do have to recognize that part of what attracts men is being in our feminine energy, is to let go, is to surrender, and that's such a pivotal to understand this masculine, feminine balance. It's a universal law as well, the law of gender, the law of polarity. It's very evident scientifically, biologically, and I think women have become too much in our masculine because we're overcorrecting from feminist movement and we really do need to let go of control if we're to have the love that we want in our lives.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I couldn't agree more. I mean, I work with men who are, with women who either are very controlling and then they lose their masculine, and then the woman gets angry that they're not and they're masculine and they don't even realize they've taken it from them in many areas. Or vice versa, men who finally get the woman and they're feminine, and then the woman is so afraid that they're not doing their part and the guy's like no, this is what I wanted. I wanted someone to be nurturing and to just love me, where I could fall into your arms. At the end of the day, finding that balance between the two is, I think you're right from the feminist movement and also as a single mom. When I'm working with single moms, it's like we've had to be both for so long. It's hard to know when to surrender that masculine energy and to fall into someone who can take care of you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely exactly. From a single long point of view, you've kind of had to do both roles out of necessity, and it's also understanding. You know when to start to Come back into your femininity so you can achieve the result you want, which is, you know, to meet your soulmate, to manifest him, to have the right man into your life, especially if you want someone who is comfortable in his masculine. He's not gonna want another masculine in the relationship. I mean, unless you know now we're talking about different types of sexual preferences, aren't we right that a heterosexual Relationship is?

Speaker 1:

I don't think this is. We're just talking about energy, not even like man and woman like because this could also be true In a same-sex couple, right? So yes or of the energy that you present. And so if you're in your mouth and you're going to attract a very feminine energy in any yes, anybody like, it doesn't matter if it's male or female and you're, you know, same sex or opposite genders, it's, it's the energy right attracting. I think so absolutely. It's pretty universal, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

And it's the relationships that I had, great relationships like it was only in my mid 30s that I got divorced. I was like, oh my gosh, I've I've got to learn how to date, because I've never dated like throughout high school. I was so nervous and shy and timid. And in my 20s and then I finally had long-term relationships and then I got married and then mid 30s was like, how do you do this dating thing? And this is this is strange.

Speaker 2:

But what I did realize that, looking back and appreciating my experiences, that I was attracting more feminine energies, guys, in my relationships and I was like, why is that? And and I made that connection that I was being too much in my Masculine, I was not giving space where he could grow into his masculine and I was sick of, you know, having to be the one to Organize everything, to take the lead on stuff. And it was like, oh my gosh, I do this in my business, in my career, already. I don't, I don't want to come home and have to do all that stuff as well. And and he was, he was craving that. He wanted to do that and take charge of that relationship, but I was not giving the space.

Speaker 1:

I love that because that's huge, that self reflection and being able to see your role in it. And I think that is massive in relationships, right when we can take a look at our own role in it and then really Anchoring on what we want and admit that it's okay to want to be Taking care of at home, to have that you know, to be able to be vulnerable with someone.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely. And it's funny because I ask my partner, raph, and I say, you know, what is it that men want? He says, on a very basic level, you know, he says and I'm not sure if this applies for all men and all relationships he says that he just basically wants his woman to be happy, he just wants his partner to be happy. And I was like, is it really that simple? Like and you know, I posted this on LinkedIn and, you know, is getting feedback, you know, these days, what women want. The list is, like, you know, thousand bullet points long, isn't it?

Speaker 1:

Huge, it's huge and it's not what they really want. It's what they think they want. What they really want is to be loved and for themselves, and the man really wants his partner to be happy, and I do work with people a lot. They said their partner up for failure and they don't even know they're doing it. It's that constant list of this could be better and, yes, never feel like they're being successful at making their partner happy and and essentially that is what a man wants is to make his partner happy.

Speaker 2:

It's a really interesting concept and dynamic it's. It's something that I noticed when I was reading think and grow rich. It's a it's a business and entrepreneur book. It's very famous by Napoleon Hill. One of the chapters is about the mystery of sex transmutation. And what that actually means is, once you've Overcome the survival level of life, where you covered, you know you have enough food, you have shelter, you have your basic survival things what happens is that Sexual love becomes a more pure energy, it becomes a much more Driving force and and for men, that becomes them channeling their virility or their sexual energy into their projects, into their business, and that helps them reach their potential.

Speaker 2:

And in essence, that's what I see is the masculine, feminine roles in a relationship is that, you know, women help the men reach their full potential. So we're constantly seeing what we call a gap and a gain. So also reading this other book by Dan Sullivan and Benjamin Hardy about when we constantly see what's in the future, what's the potential and where we are now, and thinking, okay, we're not quite there yet, but it's like a horizon line. We can never achieve that ideal. It's just meant to be a marker or a goalpost, but we're never, we can never reach that ideal.

Speaker 2:

So, in terms of relationships with men and women, women see the potential for our men in our lives and I guess that's our role. Like that they say women want the man for who he can become and men want the woman who they met on the first day, and we try to change them too much and that's this huge gap that we always see and we always Constantly nag them about. You could have done this when we really need to stay in our own you know Not territory, but we need to stay within our zone of nurturing. You know our you know Supportiveness and not be pointing out could have done this better. Not seeing that gap all the time we need to stay within is all the great things devastating to a relationship.

Speaker 1:

When, like you can see what someone's capable of and this is that any relationship with your kids, with your partner, with your friendships and you try to hold someone To an ideal that you have for them yes, that they don't know how to get to yet, like it's possible. Yeah, it's impossible, and I just think that's really hard on a relationship when we don't see people for who they are.

Speaker 2:

This is me. This is all my learning, isn't it being a three enneagram, as we discussed before? I'm all about reaching potential and ambition and success focus. It's been a huge learning for myself also to not live in that gap area, but also to really appreciate my partner and the people in my life for who they are, and exactly what you said.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love that. I love that because I think that, especially as entrepreneurs, all we can see is what's possible. Right, that's how our vision is like. I see possibility everywhere. We often know when to dial that back and be in the present moment with someone. I think that is the most beautiful gift we can give to someone that we care about is to be with them, who they are and exactly as they are, absolutely, exactly as they are Absolutely.

Speaker 1:

I think that's really what we all want as human beings. Male, female doesn't matter. We just want to be seen for who we are and loved for that Absolutely, and then also enjoy the experience of growth with someone, because that's what relationships are for. Right Is to help us grow and evolve as human beings and to respect that relationship, for the gift of growth and having someone reflect back to you who they see Absolutely and limiting beliefs about yourself, but who they see.

Speaker 2:

Yes, exactly, and I think that's the difference between a soulmate relationship and just a relationship. So this is something new that I've started to witness that if you come from a place of I have to have this relationship because it'll make me feel better, it will fulfill me, that person can fix me, I can fix that person. That's not coming from a self-fulfilled, interdependent place, what Stephen Covey calls an interdependent relationship. That's also what I talk about in my program and in my content. It doesn't come from that self-fulfilled place. And if you come from a place of I want that relationship because it will help me grow. It will be a bunch of great experiences that I can share with someone that's coming from a completely different energy and a completely different place than I, have to have that relationship. No, you don't have to have any relationship. But do you want to be in your soulmate relationship? It's a completely different way, isn't it?

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's 100% a different way. I love that you brought that up, because I think there's a lot of misconceptions too about what a soulmate relationship is. I don't know if you saw the Twin Flames Universe documentary on Netflix, but it inspired me to start this podcast because I was like people have to know there's a different way and you need to know when is it a soulmate and when is it your attachment wound, because sometimes we'll meet someone and we're like this is the person butterflies, I'll die without them, and people will often think it's their soulmate and really it's their attachment wound, warning them this is not good.

Speaker 1:

That's so good yeah understanding of what a true soulmate is like and that we have many and we don't need to anchor on one person. Multiple. That's my soulmate. I'll die if we're not together.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Attachment wound. That's not soulmate love, that's attachment wound. But you're so right it's different.

Speaker 2:

You're so right. Yes, I have one client who thought she had a perfect relationship and she told all her friends and now she's embarrassed because they're broken up. And it's exactly what you've just said. It's the soulmate wound coming up in a relationship to show you that there is still yet something else to work on, isn't there?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and that is like when you have that like I'm going to die without this person, that's an attachment wound, that's not soulmate love. That's not healthy and people are so anchored and they are misguided a lot, especially in our coaching industry. They're misguided to be like no, that's your soulmate, don't give up on them.

Speaker 1:

And it's like no that's marketing, that's not true Marketing. Yeah, yeah, it's like you've got to understand that maybe you do have soul connection or love with this person, but there's still attachment and you have to be with their humanness and hopefully those two things aligned. But if they're hurting you, that's not soul love.

Speaker 2:

What I recognize now as a soulmate relationship with my partner Raph you coach about as well is it's intuitive, it's just a knowing, it's just a very much like yeah, this is meant to be. There's none of that. Really call me. Is he going to text me? I don't know how to discuss with my girlfriends a thousand different things and why he didn't do this and why he can't is not the soulmate relationship. The soulmate relationship is based on that inner knowing and it's just effortless and easy. And I believe, like you also mentioned, that we have multiple soulmates. We don't need to get hung up on the idea of like it's just the one. That scarcity mentality, isn't it so much?

Speaker 1:

so and that's just like total scarcity, just like you said, which is awesome, and also like how much pressure is that to put on what you're being? I mean, nobody can look up to that. Like, of all the billions of people on the planet, there's just this one. It would be horrible for us to move through like that.

Speaker 2:

I know it doesn't make sense, does it?

Speaker 1:

No, it's not logical. When you say it like that, I mean, I think it's a romanticized thing that we all want to believe, right, that there's this one soulmate out there who's going to get us on that like twin flame level. But I mean the reality that the cruelty of that would just be horrible. If that's true. Yeah Right, like that would be horrible.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you're right, and I mean it doesn't make sense with, like the billions of people out there. I mean we don't have just one idea for our life, we don't have just one career, we don't have just one friend, do we? Why can't we have multiple soulmates that teach us something at different stages of our life, and that is a lot more comforting anyway, isn't it?

Speaker 1:

Isn't it? Doesn't that feel better? We get to choose what we believe. I'm going to choose that one. There's just one soulmate out there Absolutely, absolutely. Oh, I love this conversation, ok, so I did want to ask you about, maybe like a heartbreak that you've experienced yes, I know a lot of my listeners have heartbreak that they're working through and maybe, like you know, something like an inspiring story about how you overcame heartbreak and how you got through it and how things are, because you're in a really loving, healthy relationship that's stable, and I know that's what people want. Right, that's really what people want. And, yeah, you get there from point A, b, c, d, all the way to here.

Speaker 2:

It's a great question. There's so many experiences I could pull from, I guess, but I think the one that would be most relevant would be breaking up with my ex-husband. And it was actually because I'd had lower back pain, which I know you, you know you're a body worker as well and it really woke me up. It was a huge wake up call. I literally couldn't walk for a year because I had sciatic pain and I went to multiple chiropractors massage, osteo, everything and I ended up studying kinesiology so I could heal myself. And through that process I guess I kind of woke up to the idea that I was not living my life on purpose and that's why my body was telling me. So it literally stopped on my tracks, couldn't walk, it was in a wheelchair on a cruise. It was devastating and embarrassing for me and all that stuff.

Speaker 2:

And basically from that I had a kinesiology session with my classmate and I was starting to get very in tune with my intuition, with my guides, my connection with universe and higher power, and it gave me some insights and it said I'm not meant to be in this relationship anymore. And I got up from there and I immediately said to my husband I don't think women to be together. I don't see our future aligned and this is also what I teach a lot with my audience is that we never looked for our partner based on core values. We actually met through martial arts. I trained martial arts and was very addicted to it. I'm masculine energy and we had a common hobby, and so we got along very well. And this is the way a lot of people meet their partners through the common hobbies at the workplace. Yet you don't sit down and think what are my core values, what is my priorities in life? And I want to find a partner who has the similar priorities. We never think that way. We're never taught to think this way. So this is one of the things now that I teach.

Speaker 2:

And so when I got up from out of that relationship and he took it well, and then we separated and having to date again in my 30s was like oh, this is, this is really weird. And I was on dating apps and for five years I was enjoying it in the first few years, but then, after year three, year, four, year, five I was like this is crazy. I've never been single this long. I've always been having these long term relationships. I've done it once before I can do it again.

Speaker 2:

So I guess the turnaround from that was recognizing that I had resistance. So I was listening to a business podcast and the mentor was saying if you're not getting what you want in life and you're going around in circles, you have resistance. And this is something you've mentioned yourself, tabitha. But clients who have resistance won't be able to break through their body pains because it's not a body issue, it's an internal issue and the body is the physical manifests and it's the last thing that you see. So if you're not focused on the internal, your body is the last line of defense and then it will tell you and literally stop you in your tracks, like it did for me.

Speaker 2:

And from that I started to I got my own life coach, then I certified as a coach myself and I started my own business. And doing all this internal work led me to manifest my partner, raf. It was a process and I was like this is actually something that is doable for anyone and it's not this mystical randomness. There is no coincidences. As we all know, things happen for a reason. So why can't you redirect the energy in an effective and efficient way? This is probably my Enneagram 3. I'm like, I love your 3 notes, like, how do I make this effective?

Speaker 2:

and successful Right Because we want to have kids and at the time I was in my mid 30s and late 30s and I was like, hey, I have a time pressure, men don't have this, but I have this Right, I have to sort it out and that's yeah, yep.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love that. I love that you talked about values, because when I'm working with relationship clients too, I'm always like you have to make sure your values are aligned. And they're like what are those? And I'm like, oh, we got to start there. And they're like, but I don't want to do that, like I don't want to limit myself. And I'm like, oh, but if you don't know what value, yeah you're going to align with me.

Speaker 1:

You're going to align yourself with someone who's not going to be a good match for you, and that's also scarcity, right, so like oh, yeah, absolutely, and I want isn't out there. Yeah, I think knowing your values is like step number one, like that's the one that's non-negotiable.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, and that helps you niche down your partner. I align a lot of things about relationships with business because I see it as so aligned. I mean, business is about relationships and people, and you know love relationships. It's about people, too, and knowing who you are in order to attract and market yourself to the right person. If you're finding that you're constantly getting the wrong kind of men, it's probably because you're using the wrong filters to market yourself. Your sales page is all out of whack.

Speaker 1:

Your sales page has the wrong messaging. Look at any online dating thing right, it's like I've heard horror stories of how they messaged themselves and then they showed up. I don't even do online dating anymore. I mean, I'm currently single, but I'm like I don't even go there because it's all messaging. It's a mess.

Speaker 2:

It's a mess if you don't know well, firstly, the messaging. But if you don't even know who you are in order to create that authentic message, guess what happens. You get what you ask for.

Speaker 1:

Totally and you get your old wounding or your old belief structure because not making a choice is a choice, like you're still making a choice, exactly I love that. Yeah, so that's such great advice. I love tackling it like a business. I love that you're looking at the world the same way I do.

Speaker 2:

Yes. Well, I guess it takes out all that needless emotion, and I'm saying needless because it's redundant energy. If it's making you ruminate in past experiences, what we call trauma, right, it's needless because it's not fruitful, that it productively gets you anywhere. You just stay stuck in the same spot, getting more and more of the same, whereas if you're doing things in an effective way and I'd see business as a tangible way that you can actually see something it's process driven. Your relationships can also be like that. And it's not to say there's no romance, there's no love. But I think we have to change our beliefs and viewpoint on what is romance, what is love, and it's not this fairy tale that we grew up with as young girls.

Speaker 1:

It is not, and it's also not the way of the modern world. I think it's a different world. I don't know. I just hear from a lot of people it's harder to meet people who want to have a relationship and build a life, and maybe that's just a global belief that's taking over, because online dating has kind of left a lot of wounds and disappointment. I mean, I don't know, you work with us? Yeah, you think about that?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely. I think it's a consequence of living a very guarded, inauthentic life that has people put up more barriers and more detachment and aloofness, and I hear that a lot of women complaining that it's the man out there. It's there the problem. I can't do anything about it. I'm good, I do my work, I do yoga, I do meditation, but this is not. You know, you and I both know this is not the kind of work that we're talking about.

Speaker 2:

And a lot of the problem, if it's external and you can't control that, then you know what can you do and you can only control what's what's happening inside. Then that will actually, like a homing beacon, attract that right person to you, because they'll see that authenticity that everyone's craving, so tired of this aloofness. And you know this perfect, pretty picture that we project and this is not real. People can smell this BS from a thousand miles away. So they're waiting for that authentic woman to show up and say here I am, I know who I am and if you want me, then you've got to step up to the level that I'm. You know the vibrational level that I'm at as well.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I do. It's funny because as a seven on the n-airgram, I always Rewrote people's bad behavior on the fly so I literally couldn't see it because of the way my mind was programmed, and so I wouldn't see red flies, I wouldn't see bad behavior. Bad behavior, um, destructive behavior, is a better is a better way of saying that, because I would rewrite it into something positive. Still quickly, I didn't even know what I was doing and I was on an n-airgram class one day and I was like how do we, how do I get overcome this? Because it is Devastating in the dating world when I only see people in their light and I don't see them for who they're being. I don't see that, you know.

Speaker 1:

And he just he was really great. He said no, no, no. Now that you're vibrating in that different frequency, like they're not even going to be attracted to you, now that you know your value, yes, both boundaries like and that is you now like they're gonna People who are emotionally abusive or don't have good intentions. You're not an easier out of the league.

Speaker 2:

You're not there anymore, so they're gonna just keep walking, because you're not like somebody that they're going to want to to be with yes, that is like a beautiful example, because the people who need that are Independent style relationships and will be attracted to other people and those people will seem like they're in the same league and You'll be seen as, oh, she's out of my league. That's what actually means when someone says she's out of my league. It's not because you're wearing the designer clothes and you have that mansion house. It's not about that. It's like they literally cannot feel on the same vibration level as you Because you've let go of all those lower, heavier, negative frequencies, those lower energies. You naturally rise up and that vibration level people Aren't so familiar with it, but it's there and we're starting to understand a bit more about it. But that's that frequency level that attracts someone else for the same frequency level and that's where you'll have your interdependent soulmate relationship.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely yeah. It's not coming down and settling for less, like I think a lot of us have Seccomes to, because we have that scarcity mentality like, oh, all the good ones are taken. I mean, I'm 48.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I know women in my age group are like, oh, all the good ones are married or I'm just gonna give up, or. But it's like there's a lot of people out there who are shifting, especially now, and they're going to be looking for people who vibrate at the same level and that conscious awareness, right. That that's kind of how yeah global scale and yeah and please, are just gonna have to Take a backseat so the universe can help bring you together, and you know exactly it.

Speaker 2:

Exactly and it's why I didn't meet rough in the five years that I was single. It was only on the fifth year and I was like, why didn't we meet sooner? You know, I've been single that long and I've been waiting and it was because he was married only until like about a year, two years before, a Year or two years before we'd met and he was Reestablishing. You know, coming to Spain, we met here in Barcelona and I really believe me coming to Barcelona was the reason why Was to meet him and to meet each other. And I'm like I don't have any connection to this place, I don't know anyone, I didn't even speak Spanish, and it's like I felt this intuitive pull that I had to go to Barcelona. I was like, what am I doing here? So I studied art school my first year, started my business, and I'm like, what am I really doing here? And then, when you know, he came into my life, it was like, oh, that's why, okay, get it now, thanks.

Speaker 1:

That is. Synchronous cities. Right, that is following your intuition, and I love those stories because I think there's a lot of them out there when I've heard from people who met like a really good match and they're like I don't know why I was there. I just felt this pull and I do feel like we have soul contracts not to say, you know, yeah, have them. And when both humans are ready, they are kind of like magnetically drawn to each other. Yes love yes exactly, amazing, exactly.

Speaker 2:

Oh I could talk about this all day.

Speaker 1:

I want to like make sure I know our time with each other and we'll have to do another episode just on. Definitely other stuff, but this has just been amazing. I would love for you to tell everyone One. I have one question I love to ask everyone, and that is if you were on a deserted island alone, what book would you bring with you, and why?

Speaker 2:

Oh, man, oh wow, I love reading books. I have so many I think, oh, it would be really tricky. I really Love studying as a man thinker by James Allen. Okay, because it was such a deep book, every sentence, that felt like you could pull apart a Gem. You know that you could ruminate and you could like really go deep with everything in that book and there were so many life lessons in there, so I think it would be that one. Oh, there are so many only get one.

Speaker 1:

So that's the one that you're in I'm saying should be revealed today. I love it. Um, yeah, I haven't read that one, but I'll check it out. I'm collecting book suggestions, oh, and how do people find you and I'll post your links in the show notes when I post this up on YouTube and on my podcast. But yeah, how do people find you?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely. You can get in contact with me on Instagram. It's at Michelle Chung coach and Also running a free training on how to meet your soulmate in three steps. So I'll send you the link of that one as well and watch my training for free. You'll see. Like I shared about one of the Misconceptions matching core values. I'm going to teach you some more stuff on that, so that can absolutely change your dating strategy from day one. So you can effectively this is the nagram 3 reduce the amount of time and dates that you have to have going kissing a lot of frogs.

Speaker 1:

I love that so much for your time today. I will post all your contacts and the show notes so people can find you and I just want to thank you for taking the time today. This has been amazing and awesome and I just love your energy and I love what you bring to the world. I just think it's it's going to really help people connect with love again and that's what we all need right now, absolutely. Thank you so much, thank you, thank you. I.

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